Josiah hunched on an old wooden chair deep in thought, an easel and a board in the background. Blue walls and wooden floors
Web and Webfont by Josiah Goldsmith
Photography by 전원하

Josiah Goldsmith (Joe) lives between the UK and South Korea, collaborating globally. His work draws from the artistic heritage of the UK, and his exposure to Ukiyo-e and the Superflat movement in Japan. Utilising a mix of analogue and digital tools, Joe creates artwork and visual identities that are romantic, with a humorous modern edge.
            For information about working with Joe, or to discuss other opportunities, please get in touch.

 Josiah Goldsmith (Joe)는 영국과 한국에서 거주하면서 일하고 있습니다. 아날로그와 디지털 도구를 혼합하여 낭만적인 예술, 시각적 정체성을 익살스러운 현대적인 감각으로 창조합니다.
           조와 협업이 필요하시거나 앞으로의 계획에 대한 이야기를 나누시고 싶은 분들은 연락을 주시기 바랍니다.